This page is dedicated to workout plans for either building mass or lean muscle. Below are workout plans for each major muscle group.
Here is an example of what a typical week of working out might look for me:
- Monday – Chest
- Tuesday – Legs
- Wednesday – Back and Shoulders
- Thursday – Arms
- Friday – Cardio or rest
- Saturday – Legs
- Sunday – Arms
My goal before every workout is to do some sort of cardio before weights. I find this a great way to warmup since it gets the blood flowing and heart pumping. This will also help keep your heart rate higher through out your workout. Then once I hit weights, I always stretch. I would say that I didn’t make this an essential part of my workout up until a few months ago. Once my muscles and joints started to feel tight, I knew I needed to do something. Please be sure to stretch after your workouts, this is very important.
Changing it up with different cardio exercises is a great idea. Some ideas might include the following:
- Walking
- Jogging
- Running
- Sprints
- Stair-master
- Elliptical
- Stairs
Shoot for anywhere around 15 minutes. As long as you keep your weight training at an uptempo pace, your whole workout will essentially be cardio. For other cardio ideas, look at some of the WODS!
**For the workout plans without an attachment, those ones are still currently being worked on and will be uploaded soon. Also, Workout Plans direct towards women are in the works**