Whenever it comes to achieving a goal, you are going to be faced with some sort of obstacle. No matter how big or small the goal might be. That is because when you set a goal, you are trying to get or gain something you don’t have. Meaning that in order to achieve that goal, you must give something up or maybe change your lifestyle.
A small example is that you might want to start waking up 5 minutes earlier. In hindsight, this might seem like a easy goal to accomplish. But in order to achieve it, you must give up 5 minutes of your sleep, which you weren’t doing before. When the alarm clock does go off 5 minutes earlier at 8:55 compared to 9:00, what’s the risk of going back to sleep since you are already so use waking up at 9:00 anyways?
That’s the obstacle!
We get complacent with our normal routine and feel scared to tamper with it. We already know the expectation of getting out of bed at 9:00. In order to overcome obstacles, we need to stop being complacent and break out of the ordinary.
I fall victim to this every day, whether it is in my personal life, work life, fitness life, etc. It really comes down to how important is that goal and what are you willing to give up in order to achieve it.
Here are 3 tips to accomplish your fitness goals.
Start Small
Rome wasn’t built in a day. Those fitness models you follow on Instagram didn’t get that body over night. When we set goals, we expect results along the way. If we don’t see results or certain level or results by a specific amount of time, we shut it down and call it a wrap.
You should set smaller goals along the way. Say you wanna lose 20 pounds. First you should understand the realistic expectations of achieving this goal (1 pounds a week) and then you should break that goal up. Try to lose 5 pounds first, then tack on another 5 pounds, until ultimately, you have lost the total of 20 pounds.
If you have the initial goal of losing 20 pounds and after 3 months you only lose 11, you might feel discouraged. All of the hard work you have put into trying to lose weight and you have only dropped 11 pounds. Or you might lose that motivation because achieving that 1 goal seems so far away.
Set Realistic Expectations
This goals back to the point I made in the previous tip. You set goals because you know they are achievable. Trying to increase your bench 50 pounds in a month isn’t realistic.
Do research around what you are trying to achieve and build you timeline based on that. When it comes to weightlifting (at least from an early stage) you should be able to add on about 5 pounds to your bench ever 1-2 weeks.
A realistic goal would look something more like “increase your bench press 50 pounds in 15 weeks”. And then to make the goal more achievable, break it up into smaller bits (add 10 pounds onto my bench in a month, etc).
Surround Yourself with Like-Minded People
Being around like minded people will keep you going strong and motivated to accomplish your goal. Even if you have given up on yourself, they won’t. They will make sure you achieve your goal, because if you fail, they fail.
Being around like minded people will also build some friendly competition. If you see your buddy at the gym making significant progress at the gym, won’t that light a fire inside of you? Make you a little jealous and want to see the same results? It keeps you hungry for more.
In order to accomplish your goals, remember these 3 Tips: Start small, set realistic expectations, and surround yourself with like-minded people. These 3 tips can be applied to any sort of goal you may have, not only fitness related.
Creating good habits today will help build a healthier and stronger tomorrow.

About the Author
Bobby Petrillo is 24 years old from Charlotte NC. He went to UNCW where he studied accounting and has been working in the IT Audit space since graduating in 2017. Fitness has always been a big part of his life ever since freshman of high school. He is passionate about sharing his knowledge and helping others achieve their goals.