To get into the race mindset during my training period, I decided to do the Charlotte around the Crown 10K Race, which is held on the labor day weekend every year. This is one of Charlottes biggest races, which is a 10K, and this year, had over 4,200 people participating.
This was my first time participating, and I was excited to do it. The race started at 7:30 so naturally I wanted to get there by 7:00, which meant I was awake and warming up around 5:50 Sunday morning.
To start off the morning, I had a big glass of water with 2 scoops of some of my Tailwind electrolyte powder. I started stretching and then had my preworkout about 10 minutes before we needed to leave. I then had some more water and felt like I was ready to go. When we got there, I got in line and then before I knew it, we were off! To be honest, I didn’t have any nerves going into this race. If anything, I was pumped for it. My goal was to run at an 8’00” pace or faster.
One thing I was nervous about, was not tiring out to early in the race. I am a very competitive person, and do not like people passing me, so I know with that mentality, that I could tire myself out early. But luckily I didn’t. I kept a healthy pace the whole race and on the Queens climb, an uphill leg of the track, I slowed back slightly but kept my legs chopping. This kept me moving without getting gassing out.
I didn’t check my average pace while running, and only checked the milage. That ended up playing in my favor and I really surprised myself. I ran the race at a 7’14” pace and finished the race in less than 45 minutes. I really felt great throughout the whole run.
After running this race, it taught me that I can run faster than what I think. So far, my training and discipline has really paid off. Check out my results below!