How to do Straight Arm Pulldowns:

  1. Attach a rope handle to the high pulley of a cable station. Grasp an end in each hand and face the cable station.
  2. Draw your shoulder blades back together and down, as if you were trying to stuff them into your back pockets. 
  3. Draw your ribs down, tuck your tailbone under, and brace your core. Your torso should feel like one tight, solid column. Bend your hips back until your torso is at a 30–45-degree angle.
  4. Step back from the station a bit so that you feel tension on the cable and your arms are fully extended overhead. You should feel a stretch on your lats (the muscles along the sides of your back). Set your feet at shoulder width.
  5. Slowly drive your arms down to your sides in an arcing motion with elbows locked out, so your hands end up in line with your hips, or just behind them.
  6. Reverse the motion slowly to extend your arms again.
Doing the straight arm pulldown is a great exercise if you are trying to build a bigger back. This exercise targets your lats along with other muscles, making it a great exercise to incorporate into your weekly routine.