As 2019 comes to an end, I tend to catch myself reflecting on what a year it has been. Although there were plenty of ups and downs, I would still say it was a pretty successful year. And best of all, I made the decision to bring back Top Tier.
Trying to run a blog on the side while having a full time career and plenty of other things going on in my life hasn’t been the easiest task, but it has been rewarding. It has taught me a lot of things when it comes to website creation, content creation, social media engagement, etc. But it has also taught me how to keep pursuing a dream even when you don’t see immediate results.
“Success is stumbling from failure to failure, with no loss of enthusiasm” -Winston S Churchhill
Why I do it
When I brought back Top Tier Fitness this year, I didn’t know what to expect. I didn’t have a real defined plan. I didn’t know where I wanted to take it. I just wanted to share my fitness knowledge with likeminded people and those who are trying to make a difference in their lives.
When I look at life, I know there is more to then just going to work every day, walking the dog, working out, etc. There has to be more of a meaning to it. How do you find out your meaning? Well, I don’t know if there is a clear answer to it. But I would start with, what is something that gives you joy? For me, I think it’s helping people.
Back in May I decided to become a big brother through big brothers and big sisters of the Carolinas. This was something extremely out of my comfort zone give the fact I have had limited exposure to kids. I was always one of the youngest in my family growing up so that didn’t help either. But I took the chance because I knew it would be benefiting the life of a young boy.
Here is a picture of me and the little man the day we were matched!

I’m not gonna lie, there are times when I am dreading our big ‘activity’ for the month because there are other things I need to get done. Weekends are valuable time, and sacrificing it for others isn’t always something you want to do. But every time when I am driving home after seeing my little, I am filled with joy. He is always so happy and excited to see me. The things I take for granted every day, seem to amaze him. Who knew the light underneath my car door when you open it up would be so fascinating?
Little does he know, I am really the one benefiting from this relationship. Being a part of his life has made me feel like I have more of purpose than just working a 9-5, working out, and doing whatever else I would be doing. This has made me realize there is more out there for me.
That is the reason I wanted to bring back Top Tier Fitness. When I get a text message from someone saying how much they enjoyed one of the workouts I posted, I can’t help but feel happy. It makes me feel good! I feel like I am really helping people. And that is what makes everything worth it.
At times I have questioned ‘Why am I doing this?’. Especially in periods when I don’t see any growth of viewership on our website or more likes on Instagram. But then I remember, that’s not how I should judge the success of Top Tier. I should judge it based on my effort into it. As long as I don’t give up, and keep trying new things, providing great workouts, providing helpful articles, then it will be successful.
And I truly appreciate those who have been with us since day one! When I looked at how it has progressed from July all the way until now, we have come a long way. This has been a learning process for me. I am still trying to figure out the best ways to present our content and how to make it the most valuable to you. All the time, effort, and money I put into Top Tier has been repaid by you.
Moving Forward
Looking forward, I know 2020 will be a great year. I want to try out some things we haven’t done before. I want to grow our following to reach more people! Let them know they are not alone in their fitness journey. If you ever have any suggestions for us, feel free to contact us. And we are always looking for contributors!