The Pain you Feel Today will be the Strength You Feel Tomorrow!
With gyms still being closed in North Carolina, I am sure you are running out of ‘Workout From Home’ ideas or losing steam altogether. That’s why I think it is a great time to do another challenge, and one that you don’t need any equipment for! This challenge is going to be focused on running and helping you conquer your running fears or to help you achieve one of your fitness goals.
Personally, I want to be able to do a half marathon. I think this would be an awesome challenge for myself that I haven’t attempted or trained for before. And maybe for you, doing a 5K might be an appropriate challenge you have set for yourself.
For this challenge, there will be 3 different programs to choose from. There will be a 5K, 10K and a half marathon training program. Use the form below to sign up for the challenge and then select what program you want to do. Once you sign up, the training program will download.
We will kick off this challenge on 8/31/2020 (since it falls on a Monday) and will go for 4 weeks. At the end of the challenge, you will then have to run whatever training program you selected. So if you are doing the 10K training program, on the last day of the 4 weeks, you will run a 10K!
And don’t think that you need to be able to run any of these distances without stopping. The purpose of this challenge is to get out of your comfort zone and do something you usually wouldn’t do. I am gonna try for the half marathon and know I am going to be walking for some of it.
I am going to try my best to coordinate a group run at the end of the challenge so we can all try and run the distance we have been training for all month!
Lets do this together!
If you are already subscribed and the download is not working, you can use this link to download the program! (The excel file has all 3 programs in it!)