There is no better way to bring in the New year than challenging yourself to accomplish a goal within 30 days! We thought this year at Top Tier, we would create a challenge where YOU determine what the goal is and we are just here to make sure you reach it.
It’s time to open up your wallets and determine just how motivated and determined you are. You will bet on yourself in this challenge- could be $20, $50, even $100. If you don’t reach your goal, then you lose your money and it will be allocated to those that did accomplish theirs. However, if you do reach your goal, then you will get your money back and maybe more (depending on how many people don’t reach theirs). Statistics show that only 8% of people follow through on New Year’s resolutions- the odds are in your favor to win some cash!
Here are some rules/guidelines:
- The goal needs to be something that is measurable so you can prove you accomplished it (weight loss, fat loss, new 5K time, new squat max, max number of pull ups, etc.)
- If you are doing any sort of weight loss or body fat % loss, you need to document your current weight on 1/1/2021 and make sure you save this until the challenge is over. If you would like, you can email me this when the challenge starts (
- You can wager as much money as you want but the minimum buy in for this challenge is $20. You can Venmo me this at @bobby-petrillo-1. I encourage you to wager more to motivate yourself to stick with it! …. and because I’ll keep a smidge of the proceeds
- The challenge starts on 1/1/2021 and will end on 1/31/2021, at which point you’ll need to submit all photos or evidence of your accomplishment/progress.
After we receive everyone’s evidence, we will validate that everything checks out and then we will let you know if you won and how much money you will be getting!
If this challenge is something that you would be interested in, use the sign-up form below and be sure to Venmo me your money!!
What do you think you can accomplish in a month? Go BIG.