Cardio Round 1…
Weights Round 1…
The first round of weights will compose of 4 different exercises which we will superset. The way to do a superset is once you complete one exercise, you go directly onto the next. This will test the stamina of your muscles and will also keep the workout intense.
Cardio Round 2…
For our second round of cardio we are going to do a 5 minute HIIT treadmill run. We will start off with a light 2 minute jog and then increase the speed .5 mph for 1 minute. Then we will increase the speed another .5 mpg for 1 minute. Lastly, we will increase the speed one more .5 mph for the last minute.
Weights Round 2…
The second round of weights we will be just like the first round. There will be 4 different exercises, all which we will superset. By the end of this round, you should fell fatigued and you should feel a good pump.
To end the workout, stretch out those muscles to prevent soreness and injury. Recovery is the most important part after working out, so make sure to take care of your body and it will take care of you. Stretch it out for a total of 10 – 15 minutes depending on how much time you have.

– 10 minute warmup run
Weights Round 1
– sitting dumbbell curls 4×10 (each arm)
– superset with one arm dumbbell tricep extensions 4×10
– standing bicep curl holds 4×8 (each arm)
– superset with laying dumbbell skull crushers 4×10
-2 minutes normal speed
-incease speed .5 mph for 1 minute
– increase speed .5 mph for 1 minute
– increase speed .5 for 1 minute
Weights round 2
– curl machine 4×10
– superset with dumbbell tricep extensions 4×10
– one arm cable curls 4×10 (each arm)
– superset with one arm cable tricep extensions 4×10 (each arm)
– 4 rounds of:
– weighted toe touches for 12 reps
– weighted oblique dips for 12 reps
Less Intense Version:

– 10 minute warmup run or incline walk
Weights Round 1
– sitting dumbbell curls 3×10 (each arm)
– one arm dumbbell tricep extensions 3×10
– standing bicep curl holds 3×8 (each arm)
– laying dumbbell skull crushers 4×10
– 5 minute run at a higher intensity than the warmup
Weights round 2
– curl machine 3×10
– dumbbell tricep extensions 3×10
– one arm cable curls 3×10 (each arm)
– one arm cable tricep extensions 3×10 (each arm)
– 2 rounds of:
– toe touches for 25 reps
– Russian twists for 30 reps
Demo of Exercises:
If you are looking for more workout of the day ideas, be sure to go check out our page here for more.
If workout of the day isn’t really your thing, we have workout plans and progression programs here! Be sure to check them out and find what workout plan is best for you (lean mass or strength).