Cardio Round 1…
Weights Round 1…
We will be doing only 1 round of weights today’s which we will be doing some dumbbell work and machine exercises. There are some supersets throughout this workout which will give this workout a slight intensity built into it. For the most part, this workout is focused on strength, so challenge yourself with weight but also keep good form!
To end the workout, we will add in some ab work! We are only doing 2 exercises here both for 4 sets and 20 reps a set!.
To end the workout, stretch out those muscles to prevent soreness and injury. Recovery is the most important part after working out, so make sure to take care of your body and it will take care of you. Stretch it out for a total of 10 – 15 minutes depending on how much time you have. bac

– 10 minute warmup of your choice
– dumbbell shoulder press 4×12
– superset with dumbbell front raises 4×12
– dumbbell arnold press 4×12
– superset with dumbbell lateral raises 4×12
– cable lat pull down 4×12
– high row machine 4×12
– lat pull down machine 4×12
-toe touches 4×20
– leg raises 4×20
Stretch and hydrate!!!
Less Intense Version:

– 10 minute warmup of your choice
– dumbbell shoulder press 3×10
– superset with dumbbell front raises 3×10
– dumbbell arnold press 3×10
– superset with dumbbell lateral raises 3×10
– cable lat pull down 3×10
– high row machine 3×10
– lat pull down machine 3×10
-toe touches 3×20
– leg raies 3×20
Stretch and hydrate!!!
Demo of Exercises:
Dumbbell arnold press
Dumbbell front raises
Dumbbell lateral raises
Cable Lat Pull Down
High Row Machine
If you are looking for more workout of the day ideas, be sure to go check out our page here for more.
If workout of the day isn’t really your thing, we have workout plans and progression programs here! Be sure to check them out and find what workout plan is best for you (lean mass or strength).