Cardio Round 1…
Weights Round 1…
Cardio Round 2…
To break up the workout I always think it is a good idea to get another round of cardio in. This will help keep your heart rate up and also keep up the intensity of the workout. Grab a bike or treadmill and go for 8 minutes. Start off with doing it at a medium intensity level and then crank it up to a higher intensity to finish it out.
Weights Round 2…
The next round of weights will be using cables and will be just like the first round of weights. There will be 3 rounds of 4 different exercises, and you will be doing the exercise for 20 seconds each.
To end the workout, stretch out those muscles to prevent soreness and injury. Recovery is the most important part after working out, so make sure to take care of your body and it will take care of you. Stretch it out for a total of 10 – 15 minutes depending on how much time you have.

– 10 minute run at 2.5 percent incline
Weights round 1
3 rounds of the following:
– 20 seconds of bicep curl machine
– 20 seconds of one arm dumbbell tricep extensions (each arm)
– 20 seconds bicep curl holds (each arm)
– 20 seconds of skull crushers
Stairmaster or bike
– 8 minutes, split the time half low and half high intensity
Weights round 2
3 rounds of the following:
– 20 seconds of one arm cable curls (each arm)
– 20 seconds of one arm cable tricep extensions (each arm)
– 20 seconds of tricep cable pull downs
– 20 seconds of bicep cable curls
– weighted sit ups 4×15
– one minute plank
– 30 second side plank (left)
– 30 second plank (right)

Less Intense Version:
– 10 minute jog or incline walk
Weights round 1
2 rounds of the following:
– 20 seconds of bicep curl machine
– 20 seconds of one arm dumbbell tricep extensions (each arm)
– 20 seconds bicep curl holds (each arm)
– 20 seconds of skull crushers
Stairmaster or bike
– 8 minutes, split the time half low and half high intensity
Weights round 2
2 rounds of the following:
– 20 seconds of one arm cable curls (each arm)
– 20 seconds of one arm cable tricep extensions (each arm)
– 20 seconds of tricep cable pull downs
– 20 seconds of bicep cable curls
– sit ups 3×20
– one minute plank
– 30 second side plank (left)
– 30 second plank (right)
Demo of Exercises:
If you are looking for more workout of the day ideas, be sure to go check out our page here for more.
If workout of the day isn’t really your thing, we have workout plans and progression programs here! Be sure to check them out and find what workout plan is best for you (lean mass or strength).