Today we are going to be doing a full body workout. This workout is going to hit just about every muscle group in the body. We haven’t hit cleans or deadlifts in a while so I figured it would be a good to start making these exercises more of a weekly routine again.
To start it off, we will run a mile, but giving it bit of a twist. The first half you will run at your regular pace. Then for the next quarter you will increase both incline and speed. The last quarter you will increase the incline and speed again.
For cleans and deadlifts, I am more concerned about having good form when doing these exercises, not how much weight you can do. Stick with light weight to keep the integrity of the lift. As you get more experience with these lifts, then you can start to increase the weight.
When doing the circuit, try to keep it fast pace. This will increase your heart rate throughout the duration of the workout, resulting in more calories burned. Remember, higher heart rate means more calories burned!
Below are links to see how to properly do a clean and deadlift.

Less Intense Version:

About the Author
Bobby Petrillo is 24 years old from Charlotte NC. He went to UNCW where he studied accounting and has been working in the IT Audit space since graduating in 2017. Fitness has always been a big part of his life ever since freshman of high school. He is passionate about sharing his health and exercise knowledge to help others achieve their goals.